Kindred 360 is more than an organization; it’s a movement.

We’re Committed to Saving Superwoman

Black women have long been burdened with the expectation of being superwomen, bearing the weight of multiple roles and responsibilities without faltering. This burden is deeply ingrained in societal expectations, historical injustices, and systemic biases. Many black women are wearing capes that they never asked to put on. The consequences of this pressure are evident, particularly in maternal healthcare, where Black women face alarming disparities in outcomes compared to their white counterparts. Kindred 360 emerges as a beacon of hope, aimed at providing comprehensive support to Black women throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period, addressing their physical, emotional, and systemic needs.

The superwoman schema places immense pressure on Black women to project strength, suppress emotions, resist feelings of vulnerability and dependence, succeed despite limited resources and prioritize caregiving over self-care. This, combined with substandard maternal healthcare, contributes to alarming rates of pregnancy-related complications and deaths among Black women. The statistics are staggering, with Black women being three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women, and 80% of these deaths being preventable.

Kindred 360 offers a multifaceted approach to address the complex challenges faced by Black women during pregnancy and postpartum. The program encompasses three key components:

  1. Program 360: This initiative provides comprehensive support to Black expectant and pregnant mothers, offering access to midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, nutritionists, and therapists. By taking a holistic approach, Program 360 aims to preempt and identify complications early, ensuring timely intervention and support.

  2. Oxygen Health & Wellness Online Community: Kindred 360 establishes an online community where Black mothers, fathers, and caregivers can find emotional support, access peer support groups, participate in educational webinars, and engage in online forums. This virtual platform serves as a safe haven for the Black parenting community, fostering solidarity and empowerment.

  3. Policy & Advocacy: Kindred 360 advocates for policy and legal changes that address systemic issues and create sustainable improvements for Black families. By working towards systemic reforms, Kindred 360 aims to dismantle barriers to quality healthcare and ensure equitable access for all.

Through its comprehensive approach, Kindred 360 seeks to achieve the following outcomes:

  1. Establish Trust: By building a circle of support and fostering a sense of community, Kindred 360 aims to establish trust within the Black community, encouraging more Black women to seek and access healthcare services.

  2. Provide Support: By offering long-term medical and mental health support, Kindred 360 aims to reduce the prevalence of pregnancy-related complications and deaths among Black women, ultimately improving maternal health outcomes.

  3. Advocate for Change: Through policy and advocacy efforts, Kindred 360 aims to effect systemic change, addressing the root causes of disparities in maternal healthcare and advocating for equitable access to quality care for all Black families.


Kindred 360 is committed to saving superwomen by providing them with the support, resources, and advocacy they need to navigate pregnancy and parenthood safely and confidently. By addressing the systemic issues and societal pressures that disproportionately impact Black women, Kindred 360 aims to create a future where every Black woman can thrive without the burden of wearing an unwanted cape.




National Library of Medicine. (2020, October 8). Superwoman Schema, Stigma, Spirituality, and Culturally Sensitive Providers: Factors Influencing African American Women’s Use of Mental Health Services. Retrieved from 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2023, April 3). Working Together to Reduce Black Maternal Mortality. Retrieved from